In Joint Committee on Labor and Workforce Development: Heard. Eligible for Executive Session.

Bill H.B. 532 This bill, entitled “An Act to Provide Incentives for Productive Workers’ Compensation Audits,” would provide that any employer who knowingly submits an application for workers’ compensation coverage that contains false misleading or incomplete information provided for the purpose of avoiding or reducing the insurance premium shall be punished by…

In House. Engrossed as amended by Committee.

Bill S.B. 332 This bill would amend Maine workers’ compensation law and create a presumption of employee status in the freight transportation and courier and messenger services industries such that the operator of a motor vehicle engaged in the business of freight transportation or courier and messenger services is considered an…

Passed House. To Senate.

Bill H.B. 1701 This bill would provide that the present seven-part test for worker classification is and should continue to be applied in the construction industry. However, the legislature intends to define the prohibited contracting narrowly to assure no legitimate contracting is prohibited.  As such, the bill would provide that it…